Sunday, May 16, 2010


assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah,

I can't believe I started this blog SIX YEARS ago! SubhanAllah...time flies :)

Today I was in the doctor's office getting a glucose test done since inshaAllah I am expecting my first child (A GIRL!) in about three months, and I got a message that stated someone had commented on my blog. I was kinda surprised to be quite honest, seeing as I forgot this thing existed, but since I had an hour to kill (the glucose juice thing has to go through your system for an hour) I began to read all of my previous posts.

After reading just about every post I ever posted, I realized some things. Number one, your youth and free time is something that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO precious. I know I'm not exactly classified as the elderly right now, but I'm now 25 with a ton more responsibilities than I had say, six years ago. The amount of time you can dedicate to yourself, your deen, your friends, your community, everything, is just incomparable in your youth. If you look at any great movement at any time, it was spearheaded by the youth. Unfortunately as we get older other obligations begin to weigh us down, so much so that the level of independence we experience in our college years is no longer applicable in our every day lives. Of course this is no excuse whatsoever, I know it is my obligation to be of service to this deen, but I feel it is no longer as easy as it was for me say a couple of years ago. So those of you that are still in those years where you can chillax, take advantage of your time :)

May Allah always allow the fire of faith to burn inside us all.

wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah.