Thursday, September 09, 2004


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah....

im sick :( both the fever and a cold...but alhamdulilah I have read that when you are sick your sins are jus rushin out of your body...its kind of amazing because when you're sick you feel this fire inside of you, similar to the fire of guilt, and the result is the burning of your sins. Its amazing how both of these fires kindled inside of your self, one being physical, the sickness, and the other being spiritual, the guilt that results from tawbah, can rid you of your accumulated sin...that shows the duality of islam in itself.

Lately i've been feelin down, not just because of this physical illness either...just in general i feel like life is different. The things that once brought me pleasure no longer bring that same high....
You realize that you are truly alone...
and despite how hard anyone can try, sometimes they jus cant fix it.

yeah....duas please.

wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah