Sunday, September 12, 2004

destination ... ?

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu......

where do i begin...
it seems like my life is on a downward spiral..
each day i embark on something,
and each day i seem to come crashing down,

what does this all mean? does it mean that im utterly and hopelessly confused, cuz thats sure as heck how i feel...

is it a wake up call?

let me back track a bit...

for the past couple of months, i've started on a journey...
a journey that probably has no end, or if it does...when i find out where the end lies
it may jus be a lil too late..

yeah im talkin bout life...

life is subhan'Allah so minute u can be on cloud nine...the next ur nose can be in the dust...and u realize that you are absolutely nothing...nothing....
you are the very dust and dirt you walk upon each and every day...
but....subhan'Allah Allah ta ala has given you something..
hes given you intellect, a mind, a soul, a yes, you are that dust, but that dust on a much higher level...

subhan'Allah you can think...and insha'Allah this mind of yours should be in accordance with your heart, and your soul...each should with every instance of their being return to their Lord, and every action they commit should be an example of it..

yet, somehow...i seem to fall short..
each time i try ...i somehow seem to fail..

is the shortcoming within me...or is it within the dunyah...
the dunyah subhan'Allah can be so so harsh..

no matter how hard u try ...u sometimes dont see the difference between urself and the dirt u walk upon..

cuz in the will be that will be among it and this body that u nourish each and every day will become one with that very dirt.. talkin bout death..


the very end of everything we know...
or not really...
Allah subhana wa ta ala has promised us more..
more then just an ending...
but he has promised an eternity that is it come..

there will be a day when this eternity shall be decided..
will it be an eternity of torment and pain..or will it be an eternity of complete satisfaction and bliss...

only Allah ta ala knows what is to come..

but somehow..
this mind of mine...this heart of mine..this soul of mine...wants to be secure..
and it wants to know...jus how to get that place where Allah ta ala can be,
and will be satisfied with me...

yet there seem to be so many different many different roads...
so many individuals calling to each of these paths, claiming that they are the path that will
take us there..
yet i sit and wonder...will the destination be one..
or will it lead me to another place...and the only time ill find out
is when its too late..
after i've become dirt..
after i've been raised once again..


duas duas duas ...

n check this out....subhan'Allah ---->

wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu...