Friday, March 24, 2006

where the blessings at?

Assalamualiakum wa rahmatullah.................

The other day I had a conversation with someone whom I consider to be very wise...this person is only a few years older than me, but in wisdom probably surpasses me by decades. The topic came to blessings, and how alhamdulilah we are witnessing many individuals around us getting married, engaged, having children, etc. These blessings seem to be falling like rain alhamdulilah.

So then, what is the problem?

Perhaps this may not be the right way to look at things, but sometimes when you see blessings all around you, yet your life bereft of them, you begin to ask some important and poignant questions. Namely, where are my blessings?

I don't mean this in an envious way whatsoever, but one does begin to question what the cause of this absense may be...
and in the case of blessings you can't really look to anyone other than Allah subhana wa ta ala.

So, the question remains. Why may someone be enjoying loads and loads of blessings, while another sits waiting for this rahma (mercy) to descend upon him.

We came upon two possibilities.

The first being, the self. The reason that you may be missing out on a certain blessing (marriage) may be because of something that you may have done to earn the wrath or punishment of Allah subhana wa ta ala.

SubhanAllah... can there be a thought as scary as this? Like seriously... if the one desire we have is to have Allah subhana wa ta ala pleased with us, than the most horrendous thing in our eyes would be to gain the exact opposite, and thus be denied His love. Certain things have transpired within the past couple of months, and it makes me think and question what the reason may be. Ofcourse we can not put a reason or question on the Qadr of Allah subhana wa ta ala, but we can look to ourselve and examine our state and see if somehow we may have slipped along the way. I can think of a couple of blessings that have been taken away from me in this time frame, and it really makes me wonder if somewhere along the way I may have done something to earn this punishment.

However, there then lies another possibility. Is the lack of barakah, or blessing in my life a test for me? Is Allah subhana wa ta ala simply testing my patience, and my imaan. If so, what has made me worthy of this test?

So then, how does one decide what course of action to take from here....
another beloved friend of mine suggested this : take a close look at yourself, and see, what am I doing in my life that would cause Allah subhana wa ta ala to be upset with me, and how can I rectify it? She subhanAllah, has transformed herself to making sure that even the littlest of her actions are in accordance with His pleasure. She eats food from her house, so that she is not denied the barakah of it, she excerises regularly so that her body may be more ready for ibaadah.

This goes hand in hand with what I learned last weekend at the Minarah program. The agenda to change our condition is often times in our hands. We have done certain actions that have caused us to transgress from what Allah subhana wa ta ala has prescribed for us. In essence we have rebelled against Allah subhana wa ta ala in many realms of life, and thus caused the barakah from our lives to be lifted... how can we begin to complain of problems our ummah is facing today externally, when we are the cause of our internal problems? Brotherhood (and sisterhood) in itself is a blessing, and if we deny it, then how do we expect Allah subhana wa ta ala to bestow blessing upon our ummah?

So has not the time come for us to sit and reflect on our situation... are we going to have to wait until each and everyone of the blessings of the world has dissipated before we begin to rectify our condition...

The easiest way to start is to simply look inward. Yep, I am talking about that little piece of flesh that if it is sound the rest of the body will be sound, right there on the middle left side of your body, your heart.

May Allah subhana wa ta ala guide and protect us all...


wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah