Tuesday, April 11, 2006

things i like lots

assalamualiakum wa rahmatullah,

so instead of writing a post about something fairly important about life and transitions and such i shall focus on the finer points in life...

this is absolutely pointless to read..so just save yourself some time and go browse some other blogs..this is done simply for me to get my mind off of things ..

things i like lots.. (NYU RELATED)

1. Ice....you can just eat it...and it is great.
2. Talking using no contractions..try it one day
3. Talking with fake accents...ghetto..british...hispanic...u name it i do it..
4. Aqsa (shes not a thing) but i love her ...if i don't see her one day i feel sooooo incomplete...
5. Mehak ...she cries with me over absolutely nothing..gotta love it..
6. Chipotle
7. IC baby bros... they're too cute mashaAllah
8. Mr Softee
9. Ice cream
10. um..i would say my cat, but she doesn't sit for one second :(
11. sunlight
12. Grass
13. Trees
14. Chappals
15. making lists
16. babies
17. tallking about eating non-edible things...(babies, cats, etc)
18. lucy ;)
19. strangers that smile and say good morning/night/afternoon
20. holding open elevator doors
21. Random salaams from strangers - minus shady men
22. away messages
23. my sister
24. coming home to a full apt
25. dora ...everything
26. sadia's smile when she talks about her fiance..plus the little dimples that show up..priceless
27. Mugga sitting on nadia's head when she's sleeping
28. Laughing about Kassab's story bout eating raw meat (mehak and aqsa)
29. the dhaf
30. Safeya playing and singing with the dhaf
31. emails.......:)
32. Sadia's Fajr alarm
33. Deeps and Lina...parts of my soul
34. Chaplain saab
35. my parents
36. my parents
37. my parents
38. cafetasia
39. naseeha
40. Sitting in the park (washington square)
41. flowers


and ofcourse sooooo much more...


do not hesitate to add to the list..