Monday, April 03, 2006

The Rasool's Ummah...My ummah

assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah...

i've said this many a times...but sometimes it feels like im dying.

Sometimes a series of events seem so great, and fall so nicely into place that it seems the end is inevetibly here...
this past year seems like just that.

I would go into detail, but subhanAllah even if i attempted to do so i feel like this feeling is so intrinsic that i would just not make any sense whatsoever...

what i mean to say i that we know everything happens for a reason. Allah subhana wa ta ala grants us people and things, and through time we begin to love these items so much, and they become so close to us, and we only realize their importance when they are defamed in front of our face, or are taken away from us.

This past week a group on campus tried to defame the individual whom no words can do justice to, the individual, salalahualayhi wa salam, whose name brings tears to the eyes of millions of individuals, the individual who is the beloved of the Most Beloved.

I had wrote a post about the danish cartoon some months ago, but this time my love and my words were tested. How would i react? Events like this call for a lot of hikma, and trust me I have none, so then how can i possibly show the university at large what the Rasool salalhualayhi wa salam means to us? For three days and nights, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think, i couldn't do anything. Hours of meeting with unversity officials seemed hopeless...yet those around me refused to give up hope. We plotted, and we planned, yet everything seemed against us.

Nights were spent when many of the Muslims on campus shed tears on their janemaazs, and when their tongues were softened by salawat upon the Prophet salalahualayhi wa salam. I saw examples of what it means to be a true Muslim. In the day we used all means necessary to prevent this event from occurring, and at night we beseeched the All mighty, knowing that without him all of our actions would be pointless...

Even when everyone told us it would be virtually impossible to carry out the task we had set out to do, we remained steadfast.

Alhamdulilah in the end, who came out victorious? the cartoons were not shown, not because the club decided to have mercy fill their hearts, rather they knew with the circumstance they would be unable to do the task they set out to accomplish.

whats the moral of this story? for the past couple of months i have been unaware of my purpose here at nyu, and for some reason i didn't want it to end. now however, i feel like this event closed a chapter of my life. this event took place in the last week of my 'presidancy' and forced me to stand up in front of students, faculty, and staff and profess my love for the Rasool salalahualayhi wa salam, it forced me to act.

it also makes me think, that though this is the most noble of causes one has to stand for, it made me realize what it means to really really be a Muslim. It made me stand up and tell people who i am, and what that entails. it made me realize, if only for an instance, what it means to be part of this ummah. On so many levels i realized how great it is to be part of the Rasool salalhualayhi wa salam's ummah. An ummah unlike any other ummah...individuals were ready to sacrifice everything in their being to make sure that this man's image was not tarnished in any way shape or form. now you tell me, has their ever been any man to walk this earth to attain this status? It made me realize the torment that the sahabah lived in when, on a daily basis they would see people mock the made me realize what the sahabah felt when they waited in the Madinah sun hoping to catch an image of the Rasool walking into made me realize why the ummah went into havoc when they heard of the death of rasool salalhualayhi wa made me realize why he, and only he will be able to give intercession for us on the day of judgement..

i know i can never do this topic any justice...however that does not mean that i will stop at any lengths trying...

May Allah subhana wa ta ala send peace and blessings upon His beloved rasool...
May Allah subhana wa ta ala make us amongst the ummah of Rasoolallah..

I recieved a lot of hate mail and phone calls this week, however i also recieved so many words of love and encouragement, may Allah subhana wa ta ala have mercy upon these individuals and provide ease for them now, and in the hearafter as they had provided ease for me..

and i'd like to leave you all with an image painted by one of those emails :

"Have tawakkul, make dua, be strong, stay composed, remember the ones before you who went through something greater than this great task, and imagine the person of the Rasul PBUH on the day of judgement when he recognizes you as the one who stood up for him that day when others rediculed him, and he gives you to drink from his hand insha Allah."

"Putting everything aside, we're muslim and alhamdillah, thats the most beautiful gift ever. I've kinda had a rough few days, just very emotional about personal stuff and just seeing what you did was so inspiring and great. So.....I LOVE YOU. I really do, don't ever think Allah is somehow punishing you or mad at you cuz of everything He's just using you for now to gather His muslims and do something amazing "

i love this ummah ...

wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah