Tuesday, June 13, 2006


assalamualiakum wa rahmatullah......

Sometimes i wonder what has happend to people's hearts...
how can they pray numerous times a day, recite ayah after ayah of Quran
and then still carry around hard hearts...

How can they look at one another and assume who is higher in the sight of God, seriously though did they really rip open the person's chest and take a look deep down in their heart..

it really disgusts me to see so much pride and arrogance in people's actions that they elevate themselves to an untouchable state that everything they do is free of critique, yet everyones actions are put under a microscope..

It make me reflect on the story of Adam alayhi salam. Allah subhana wa ta ala crafted him out of dust and dirt and then brought him to life. It makes me think about how Iblis thought himself better than Adam alayhi salam because Iblis was made of fire and Adam of dust. This arrogance lead Iblis to believe that he was too great to even obey a command of Allah, the most high, the most great. This very arrogance lead Iblis from being one of Allah subhana wa ta ala's most beloved to ...Allah knows what...

Yet here we are, still making the same mistakes...I wonder if we too have made ourselves so so so so far from Allah subhana wa ta ala, thinking ourselves self sufficient..


Theres something unique in the name of Allah that makes your heart at ease...Just say it...slowly... subhanAllah...its out of this world..

On a different note...

I've started my masters and I believe I am in the company of some of the most kind hearted individuals I have ever met in my life. There is only one Muslim besides myself in the program, yet I look at these individuals and i see Islam.

Theres something in the heart and eyes of an educator that is so selfless subhanAllah...for one thing you know they're not in it for the money :) So many people in my program have left the corporate world thats filled with so many aspects of the dunya and came to education. They talk about how they lacked spiritual and mental stimulation from the dunya and started on a journey to find themselves in the service of others, namely the youth.

i apologize for the ranting...
just a little bit of frustration ..

May Allah subhana wa ta ala guide and protect us..
and may He remind us day to day that we are no greater than the soil we walk upon, except that He subhana wa ta ala elevated us and that one day we will return to this very soil...

beace in the middle east..
wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah