Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Sabbath

assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah,

SubhanAllah it's just one of those days...

like once in a while, you just look around at every single moment and thing that surrounds you and you realize how perfect and beautiful Allah subhana wa ta ala in His Might and Glory is...

I don't even know where to begin, i woke up this morning and was walking to jummah and i just looked up at the sky, and the color of the sky was like amazing, and the way that my hijab felt on my neck was amazing, and the breeze that went through the park was amazing...

later at about 9:30 pm i was invited to the Broffman Center for Jewish Life at NYU, and upon entering i had no idea what to expect. I got there and stood up in front of about 100 jewish students and just told them about what its like to be muslim on a daily basis. What we go through, how our days are. And subhanAllah the responded in such a positive way, and after the Q&A session and after my talk, a handful of students stuck around till midnight and just sat and talked to us about, faith, about Allah, and about our deen. and you realize, that subhanAllah at the end of the day, though we have Islam and we have Allah, there are those out there that also have a love for Allah subhana wa ta ala, and though there may be things that seperate us from them, there is that common bond between us, and that love is something that surpasses anything. How can a heart not love another heart who loves his Beloved? I looked at these people with a newfound respect, I wanted to know more about them, and subhanAllah some of them are soooo close to Islam.

Yet as I walked away from there I realized that there is nothing in the world more beautiful then Islam. Because our deen subhanAllah has something so absoulely beautiful that their deen can not compare. And that is Muhammad salalalhualayhi wa salam. Honestly as I sat there and talked to them so many times the Rasools name came to my lips, and the reference that came to their lips were the works of many scholars, which subhanAllah is amazing, but they lacked this integral part of their deen, the walking Quran, the humanistic side of all deen. I still remember one thing that one of the guys said, he was trying to explain to me a concept of their deen and was stating how certain things in their deen are haraam, and so what the rabbis have done is that they take whatever is haraam and take it a step up, and make things that are not haraam haraam so as to avoid the initial haraam. So i was sitting there, and i was like subhaaaaaaaan'Allah, this is why our deen is the middle path. The Jews have made their deen difficult upon themselves and have taken that which Allah has made lawful upon them and made it unlawful...and it can be argued that the Christians have done the opposite and taken what Allah has made unlawful and made it lawful. This is why our deen is perfection, alhamdulilah....

I know these concepts may seem simple, but I just saw them in practice tonight and it was an enlightening experience.

May Allah subhana wa ta ala open our hearts to His light.

wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah.