Wednesday, December 22, 2004

long timeee..

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah...

i haven't posted in a while and the reasons are kind of confusing...
lately i've been mad confused (i know nothing new), and have spent a lot of time thinking
and contemplating, but alhamdulilah as of this Saturday I have felt this sense of ease and peace.

Subhan'Allah sometimes just by being in the company of certain people your life becomes filled with barakah and peace. May Allah subhana wa ta ala continue to guide these individuals :)

Lately i've been really tryin to focus on my relationship with Allah subhana wa ta ala and have been tryin to focus my thoughts so they dont quite drift like they usually do....and subhan'Allah i've come to realize that the more you do fill your life with the remembrance of Allah subhana wa ta ala the more you don't even need to try and block out all that other stuff, it comes naturally.

And how do you remember Allah subhana wa ta ala? You remember him by praying ur obligatory salah, reading Quran, and then waking up at night n praying a lil extra salah...subhan'Allah...and if you jus take an additional 10-15 minutes out of your day to jus focus your heart on Allah subhana wa ta ala and focus on his mercy, then insha'Allah that bond will strengthen.


Insha'Allah as of this Sunday I will not be in the U S of A, im goin to dubai and india insha'Allah :) to visit family with family (and a friend)...make dua that the trip is successful insha'Allah.! and if im feelin it ill update regularly :)

wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah.