Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Reflection of an American Muslim

assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah...

Its been a while, i know. The reason is somewhat complicated, and a little jumbled up in my head. Recent events around the world have just caused me to be completely disgusted at the hypocrisy of our so called leaders, and have left me dejected and hopeless for the political future of the world.

Nonetheless, Allah subhana wa ta ala has continued to place blessings in my own personal life, which has left me even more confused. At times I am so happy I can't stop smiling (alhamdulilah), and then i turn on the tv, or open up my e-mail box to read about the craziness around the world. I have not yet found a way to balance the two in my life, nor do i know how.

Once again it brings me to think about my personal state in the eyes of the Lord of everything. The fact that most Muslims around the world are being subjected to some type of hardship, and yet I am able to sit in the comfort of my own home, my only discomfort being the heat, which really isn't even that bad. It makes me think about how Allah subhana wa ta ala views me. It brings me to think about my experience teaching. As a teacher though the overarching lesson is the same for everyone in the class, when I found myself walking around and talking to the students one on one, i constantly had to change what i was saying to suit each individual child. Some of the students I would challenge with questions that I would pose to my own peers, because i felt that they were at a certain level that they could relate to the question and be able to contemplate, reflect on, and eventually answer. Whereas, there were other students that I would pose simple questions, or as Bloom's Taxonomy would label, "recall" questions, that required no real thought, but simply asked the students to spit back an answer at me. The reason being, i knew that the students in my class were all at different levels, while some could handle intense questions that required analyzation and research, others simply could not. As a result the way I dealt with all of them changed person to person.

So that brings me back to the situation at hand. Why is it that as an American Muslim that I'm getting this 'easy' treatment, when my brothers and sisters in Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Pakistan, etc. etc. etc. are being tested in so many various ways. Am I, in the eyes of my Lord, a Muslim who just can't handle the deeper tests? Its not that I am complaining about the lack of trials and tribulations in my life, because ALHAMDULILAH i am not. I recognize and am grateful for all of the different blessings in my life, yet at times when i sit and read about the situation of these people, i don't know what to think...

May Allah subhana wa ta ala shower his mercy upon us all...
May He grant steadfastness to those that are in hardship,
and May He subhana wa ta ala make us amongst the Righteous and victorious..

wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah.
