Thursday, July 07, 2005

Quran, Water, and the Sky :)

Stolen (borrowed ? :)) from Sohaib :

Speaker: "There are three things that a Muslim can never get tired of in his entire life:

* Reading Quran
* Drinking Water
* Gazing at the Sky

.. a Muslim can never get tired of reading Quran for the Quran enlightens a being spiritually. In other words, its like a spiritual buzz. It gives a feeling of satisfaction, like no other. Second, drinking water. Thats a given. A human cannot survive without water, and even though it has no taste or color, its the most refreshing drink in the world. On top of that, most of our bodies and the world are composed of water. Finally.. looking at the sky. Any time of the day or night, you can look to the sky and find comfort and peace. It's beauty is at loss for words.."