Sunday, May 22, 2005

Confused face...

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah,

So its one o'clock in the morning, and I have just returned from a friend's graduation party. I am currently seated at my friend's computer and am accompanied by yet another friend- Veiled knight (alhamdulilah :)). So...yes.

Anyway...we just got into a mini argument on how YOU aren't supposed to be reading this...YES YOU. This post is only for my veiled knight and certain other special individuals. I guess that kind of defeats the purpose of posting a blog online. lalalalalalala...

Yes, as you can see my brain does not quite follow anything that I begin upon, and my posts mean absolutely nothing.

Back to the original thought. Which I have forgotten but I will continue on yet another thought, countless countless other thoughts...I am actually quite ADD, and I may say that I will continue a thought and I never do. Apparently according to Veiled Knight I sound like a psychotic girl with a lot of problems, but the reason for that is that I usually only post when I am quite upset/psycho so I apologize if you really do think I am crazy.

Um...back to the original thought...or the modified original thought...
wait i've been told "shut up and end the post", I would do that, but then this would just be a useless post. Alas, most of my posts are useless...

Okay...anyway the point of the confused face is that I am confused. Not just about this post, though that is also true, but about life.

Yes so am I :)


forgive me, my friends have a very funny effect on me :) :) :)
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah...