Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Let God deal with the things they do...

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah.

There is something about the word HATE that i absolutely ...hate :), or rather strongly strongly dislike.

I think people fail to realize what the word means, and when Muslims use the word towards another Muslim my heart just literally feels like its been smashed to pieces.

Please let us not waste our time discussing our hatred towards one another, really honestly its just a BIG waste of time.

If i've realized anything it is that when you hate someone, it does absolutely nothing to that person, but in essence all it does is eat you up inside, and affect your imaan, and your well being.

So just leeeeeeeeeet it go, and "let God deal with the things they do, cuz hate in your heart will consume you too" (first person to name who said this gets a prize :)).

Honestly though, I don't think I can name one person whom I hate... and yes people name people like "Bush" or "Saddam" but honestly man I don't know these dudes. So for me to hate them would be quite the statement, yea I may hate some of their actions but HATE them, and their complete being, thats way too intense of a statement.

I bet tons of people hate me :) so please if you're reading this, how bout some mercy :)

Forgive, forgive, forgive, inshaAllah the more merciful we are to one another in this world, perhaps Allah subhana wa ta ala will be just as (and if not much much much much more) to us in this world, and more importantly the hereafter. How can we expect Allah subhana wa ta ala to shower us with his mercy, when we ourselves hoard it. So let it go, and inshaAllah you will get nothing but love in return.

(paraphrased) Anas ibn Malik says: Rasool (salalahualayhi wa salam) once advised me, "Oh my son, if you can do this, every morning and every evening, make sure you carry no hard feelings towards anyone. Oh my son this is my sunnah, (this is my way of life too). A person who loves me, loves my sunnah, and follows my sunnah, and he who loves me will be with me in Jannah."

What more can we ask for then to be amongst those that love the Prophet salalahualayhi wa salam, and his sunnah, and those who follow his sunnah, and most importantly those who yearn to be with him in the if not for anything do it for your love for Allah (subhana wa ta ala) and his most beloved Beloved, Muhammad al Mustafa salalahualayhi wa salam :).

May Allah subhana wa ta ala open our hearts and allow us to forgive those that have wronged us, may He allow those whom we have transgressed against to forgive us, and May He continually shower us with His Mercy and His Blessings, because without this we would be completely and utterly lost ...

wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah