Thursday, January 19, 2006

Letting go...

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah...

So... have you ever given up something you really loved? Whether it be a peice of clothing, a sentimental object, or even in some cases a you know that feeling you get inside...

its not complete happiness...but its something else.

its that feeling of losing something thats so so dear to you, but at the same time its giving it away to someone you care deeply about.

that feeling is bittersweet.


it never ceases to amaze me...and by it I mean the Qadr and will of Allah subhana wa ta ala.

These actions that we commit, such as givng away things that are really dear to us to someone who is very dear to us, definately takes something away from us, and that something is a bit of our self, and a bit of our nafs.

But in the end what happens? Your heart lets go...

it lets go....

and where does it go?

Obviously when the heart lets go of something, it grabs hold to something else to fill that void, and subhanAllah it returns to Allah subhana wa ta ala.

Every time I have witnessed this happen in my own life, letting go of things has done nothing but bring me closer to Allah subhana wa ta ala.

It's completely amazing, how you have to take that step and one by one let go of things, things that may not necessarily be detrimental to you, but things that perhaps you have grown so attached to that your heart is unwilling to part with them. Later do you realize what significance these items play on our heart when you let them go.

It makes you want to let go of the world and everything in it, and just abandon it for Him and only Him. Because the feeling you get when you have become closer to Him and only Him is beyond words...


wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullah.